I have been wanting to enter some of my beers in a competition for quite some time now to see how Moonstone brews stacked up against other home brewers, but was never confident enough that my own recipes were good enough. I also have been waiting for a Canadian competition. I feel now that my recipes, and resulting delicious beverages, are really starting to improve and are ready to be judged next to other homebrewers that have been doing this much longer than me.
There is a homebrew club in Calgary called the Cowtown Yeast Wranglers and they are holding their third annual Cowtown Homebrew Roundup at the end of this month. I currently have only two beers ready to be entered on such short notice.
This competition will be held at the Wild Rose brewery and the entries will be judged by BJCP certified judges. My House Ale has been entered in category 10A (American Pale Ale) and my second entry was a toss-up between my Pumpkin Ale and my latest Chocolate Stout which both fall under category 21A (Spice, Herb, Vegetable Beer) I poured my first Chocolate Stout from this batch about 10 minutes ago and have decided it's going to Calgary!.... This means I have a few bottles of Pumpkin Ale stashed away that will be not... come on up to the brewery and help me drink them and you can judge for yourself.... you can even give me a prize if you want.
I figure i've got nothing to lose and I realize I probably wont score that well with over 250 entries from coast to coast last year, and more expected this year..... but it will be interesting how well I score in my rookie year and will definitely help me decide where to change and make adjustments on two of my brews that i'm really starting to dial-in and perfect. I wish I had some Amber ready for this competition but I know this wont be my last competition.
I have not been updating this blog much lately because there has not been much new to report. I am constantly brewing, but am now just tweaking recipes and making changes where needed... I have also decided not to share my recipes online as they become my own. Any major updates such as new beers, (seasonals, one-offs) new equipment, competition entries and results, etc. will all be posted here .. hopefully. However, if you which to keep in touch and follow closer, make sure you join the Moonstone Brewery Facebook group. I know there are a few people that check this blog that are not on my Facebook. Here is a direct link to the group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=114793385227251
Thanks for reading.
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