Saturday, October 30, 2010

Movember is Almost Here

Movember is almost here, and the brewmaster of Moonstone Brewery will be growing a mustache for the entire month of November to help change the face of Men's Health. Please donate to my team, The Lanny McDonalds, and the beers are on me at the Brewery. (My House)

I've donated my face to Movember! Now I'm asking you to make a small donation to support my moustache and the 1 in 6 men that are diagnosed with prostate cancer. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sean, it's Scott from HBT. I currently have a subscription Brew your own magazine and it is up for renewal and I might have a chance to give a free subscription away and was wondering if you’d be interested in a 1 year subscription. None of my buddies like brewing, they just like drinking it (I imagine you understand). You get 8 magazines in a year and they have some good articles in there, check out their website at and see what they have to offer. Send me an email with your full name and postal address to if you’re interested.
    Later, Scott
